002 : Heilungsarbeit (Healing Work)

In Midgard, our fundamental daily work consists in adherence to a proper diet to nourish our bodies, spending time in nature, breathing fresh air, drinking water, and exercising our bodies. Health and wellness are naturally tied to our orlog, and all these practices have proven essential to the maintenance of health and prevention of avoidable diseases. Eliminating unhealthy habits, and encouraging those trying to do likewise, also forms an important factor in this basic work. Advocating for wellness among our Folk, particularly by deed and example, is an essential duty for us.

For times of sickness or injury, any one of us can learn a variety of natural folk remedies and first-response solutions, from the proper use of herbs, teas, and broths, to the making of poultices, therapeutic uses for hot and cold baths, and basic modern first aid. We believe in self-reliance whenever possible, but no one is ever discouraged from engaging the services of medical professionals when the occasion so requires.

Beyond these basic life skills to care for our own, we are blessed with the abundance of our ancestral Gods and Goddesses and Their keen interest in our survival. Our Gods want us to thrive, to live healthy and robust lives, not just "make do" or "get by." To this end, we avail ourselves of those for whom Heilungsarbeit is an intrinsic attribute and core of Their efforts on our behalf.

Ritual magick directed toward the wellness or recovery of a particular individual is yet another way by which we practice Heilungsarbeit. The Old Norse word galdr (derived from galan, "to crow"), refers to praxis involving the use of runes and incantations. This same word is also used to denote the chanting or vibrating of selected runes by name, as part of building and releasing the runic associations and energies.

The most prominent and well-known Healer among our ancestral Gods is the Goddess Eir, who has demonstrated Herself consistently responsive to the needs of our Folk. In Our Heilungsarbeit we call upon Her (and/or others known to Us), combining invocations, prayers, fixed thought, focused intent, runes, galdring, and an offering ("a gift for a gift") to bring about marked improvement and ultimate recovery for the Folk We love and cherish.

Whether calling on Eir, invoking other holy powers dedicated to the healing arts, or just working with healing energies ourselves, the wellness of Our Folk is not negotiable! This Work to support wellness among Our people forms an indispensible feature of Our orlog und Weltanschauung, before the altar and in our everyday lives.