There is a shining, true Destiny of Our Volk. It is the stars, it is the land, it is Victory. It is the Reich. It is the restoration and flowering of the Tree of Eld, fed by the Well of Wyrd and Her sisters, and Her children.
"Then shall the Daughter ascend to the throne of the Mother, and awaken the Eld of the All-Father."
Your destiny is not confined to a cubicle, answering a phone.
Your destiny is not tied to pecking at gnats in the infestation of computer code that lies before you.
Your destiny is not shackled to the yoke of the Jew, led to slaughter. Your destiny is simple.
It is that of Our Volk.
Strong. Pure. Correct. Blut und Boden.
We are Love.
We are Victory.
We are Vengeance.
We will not say before the profane the Work to be done, only cast shadows from the things done, the paths walked. As it is written, “There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was.” We are eternal. We have always been, and always shall be, none deviating from their true course – but we WILL cast aside those things which are NOT of Us, that are false, that are not in alignment with Our core principle, which is truth.
Know ye well that Our Destiny is Victory. Our Destiny is beyond the stars.
Our Destiny is the Reich.